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What was done
One of the largest companies in the manufacture of cookies and mixes of cakes and bread, Tondo S / A - Orquídea, has its history marked for more than 60 years, by awards and certificates that were fundamental to be what it is today.
In addition to the manufacturing units in the cities of Bento Gonçalves and Caxias do Sul, it has Distribution centers in Garibaldi (RS), Porto Alegre (RS), Florianópolis and Itajaí (SC), Curitiba (PR) and São Caetano do Sul (SP).
Its characteristic is to be one of the largest companies with high wheat milling capacity in the southern region of Brazil, producing around 36 thousand tons per month. In addition, it has a modern pastifice, which consolidated the Orchid brand between retail and the final consumer, with efficiency to produce 6,500 tons of mass per month.
The modern factory produces 1,800 tons of biscuits per month, including sweet and savory flavors, wafers, stuffed, assorted and cookies.
For the storage of the finished product, Bertolini designed a Freestanding building with stacker cranes and a height of 33.5 meters, 14 levels high, with measures of 23.5 x 104 m, offering 11,424 positions with 1,200 kgf pallet weight, foreseeing expansion to another 7 thousand pallets.
In Simple Cycle operations, 130 full pallets are used per hour, and in Double Cycles of 65 empty pallets per hour, 36,000 pallets per month.
1700 mm high pallets, with 5 aisle stacker cranes for double depth. The warehouse supports the expansion of 2 more aisles.
The project provided by Bertolini Sistemas de Armazenagem guaranteed the optimization of time, space and logistical processes of the client Tondo S / A - Orquídea.