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What was done
The Panvel Group has been operating for over 50 years and is made up of the Panvel pharmacy chain, the Dimed drug distributor and the Lifar pharmaceutical laboratory.
Much more than just the products supplied, Bertolini's focus was on developing an intelligent project that would benefit the warehouse's logistics by reducing costs, optimizing space, integrating sectors and reducing its client's operating time.
The project includes
- The new Bertolini mezzanine, which made the most of the space available in the DC, as well as ensuring easy access to the flow rack and shelving structures;
- More than 7,200 pallet positions, in 9 height levels;
- 25,000 flow rack positions, distributed on the first and second floors of the Bertolini mezzanine;
- Storerooms on the first and second floors, giving easy access to more than 30,000 items and prepared for the future extension of another floor.
All the studies carried out and the perfect composition of the project have brought the Panvel Group an excellent integration of storage systems, automation and material handling, resulting in much more agile order picking.
Developing warehousing, automation and materials handling solutions that generate maximum returns for its clients is further proof of Bertolini Sistemas de Armazenagem's dedication and commitment to each project.
Project carried out in partnership with KNAPP.